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CPanel에서 File Manager의 파일 설명 본문

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CPanel에서 File Manager의 파일 설명


1. cpanel에서 File Manager로 들어가기

2. 아래와 같은 폴더가 나옴

application_backups - Any locally stored backups from Installatron will be stored here.

logs - An archive of Apache access logs for your domain.

mail - You guessed it, email to local email accounts on your domain is stored here.

public_ftp - This folder is not often used except for instances where you need a space to allow FTP users to upload files that aren’t immediately public.

public_html - This is where the magic happens. This folder is the main folder for your domain that is accessible to the web. Files uploaded to this folder will be visible on your main cPanel domain.

tmp - Temporary uploads and statistics information is stored here.

<리소스 경로 사용시 활용 방법>

"As you can see, when uploading files to your account you’ll likely want them to be in public_html in order to be accessible on the web (unless you create a subdomain or addon domain which by default will have a folder in the root directory). So if a file image.jpg is uploaded there it will be available at yourdomain.com/image.jpg. Likewise, if you create a folder inside of public_html and add the same image there it would be accessible at yourdomain.com/foldername/image.jpg."
