대충이라도 하자

Docker 본문

꼬꼬마 개발자 노트



1. What is docker?

- A platform for building, running and shipping applications


 *** 가끔 application이 작동하지 않을 수 있음

 - configuration

- some files are missing

- software version mismatch

-> To resolve this, docker is needed!

Consistently, build, run and ship applications


2. Containers Vs VM


- An isolated environment for running an application

- allow running multiple apps in isolation

- are lightweight

- use os of the host

- start quickly

- need less hardware resources



- An abstraction of a machine (physical hardware)

- slow to start

- Each VMm needs a full-blown OS

- resource intensive


3. Docker Architecture


4. Development workflow


- a cut-down os

- a runtime environment

- application files

- third-party libraries

- environment variables


docker는 image파일이 있으면, container에게 그 이미지를 사용해서 start하라고 알려줌

container는 process같은 것






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