대충이라도 하자

TypeScript 본문


TypeScript is an open source language and is a superset of JS.

  • offers additional features to js including static types.
  • using types is completely optional
  • compiles down to regular js
  • can be used for FE js as well as BE with node.js
  • includes most features from es6, es7 (classes, arrow function, etc)
  • types from 3rd party libs can be added with type definitions


Dynamic vs Static typing

  • Dynamically typed languages, the types are associated with run-time values and not named explicitly in your code ex) js, python, php, ruby
  • Statically typed languages, you explicitly assign types to variables, function parameters, return values, etc ex) java, c, c++, rust, go


⇒ TypeScript is a static typed language.

In dynamically typed languages all type checks are performed in a runtime, only when your program is executing. So this means you can just assign anything you want to the variable and it will work.

If we take a look at Typescript, it is a statically typed language, so all checks will be performed during compile/build run before we actually execute our program.


Pros and Cons


  • more robust
  • easily spot bugs
  • predictability
  • readability
  • popular



  • more code to write
  • more to learn
  • required compilation
  • not true static typing


*** It will shine when you work in a big projects with multiple` developers


Compiling TypeScript

  • typeScript uses .ts and .tsx extensions
  • tsc(typescript compiler) is used to compile .ts files down to js
  • can watch files and report errors at compile time
  • many tools include ts compilation by default
  • most ides have great support for ts
  • the tsconfig.json file is used to configure how typescript works



typescript 파일 실행

*** 에러1

tsc -v : 이 시스템에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없으므로

**** 에러2

his is not the tsc command you are looking for

⇒ Use npx typescript, not npx tsc. The tsc package on npmjs is not TypeScript.


  • npm install -g typescript
  • npm install -g npx
  • npx typescript index.js


  • npm install typescript --save-dev
  • npx tsc


js 실행

node 경로



Basic types

let id : number = 5 let company:string = 'Traversy Media' let isPublished:boolean = true let x :any ='Hello'  let ids : number[] = [1,2,3,4,5] let arr : any[] = [1, true, 'Hello']


Tuple : key - value

//Tuple  let person  : [number, string, boolean] = [1, 'Brad', true]  //Tuple Array let employee:[number, string][] employee = [     [1,'Brad'],     [2,'John'],     [3, 'Sue'], ]



let pid : string | number = 22 pid = '22'



숫자 열거형

enum Direction1 {     Up = 1,     Down,     Left,     Right } console.log(Direction1.Up)  //1 console.log(Direction1.Down)  //2 console.log(Direction1.Left)   //3 console.log(Direction1.Right)   //4  enum Direction2 {     Up = 'UP',     Down= 'Down',     Left='Left',     Right= 'Right', }  console.log(Direction2.Up)   //'UP' console.log(Direction2.Down)  //'Down' console.log(Direction2.Left)   //'Left' console.log(Direction2.Right)   //'Right' 


Objects : 2 ways

//1. type User = {     id:number,     name:string }  const user : User ={     id : 1,     name : 'John' }  //2. const user : User ={    id:number,    name:string } = {     id : 1,     name : 'John' }


Type Assertions

let cid : any = 1 //We cna do either way let customerId = <number> cid let customerId = cid as number 



function addNum(x:number, y :number):number {      return x + y }  console.log(addNum(1,2))   //3  function log(message : string | number) : void {     console.log(message) }




//Interfaces interface UserInterface {     readonly id:number,     name:string,     age ?: number  //optional }  const user1 : UserInterface ={     id : 1,     name : 'John' }   //Since id is readOnly,  it makes an error. user1.id = 5  interface MathFunc {     (x:number, y:number) : number }  const add : MathFunc = (x:number, y:number) :number =>x+y const sub : MathFunc = (x:number, y:number) :number =>x-y



interface PersonInterface {     id:number,     name:string,     register() : string }  class Person implements PersonInterface {     id:number     name : string     constructor(id:number, name:string){         this.id = id         this.name= name     }      register(){         return `${this.name} is now registered`     } }  const brad = new Person(1, 'Brad Traversy') const mike = new Person(2, 'Mike Jordan')  console.log(brad.id) //make an error ,if id is private or protected  //Subclasses class Employee extends Person {     position : string      constructor(id:number, name:string, position:string){         super(id, name)         this.position= position     } }   const emp = new Employee(3, 'Shawn', 'Developer')




: 제네릭은 데이터의 타입을 일반화한다는 것을 의미

Generic은 자료형을 정하지 않고 여러 타입을 사용할 수 있게 해준다.

즉, 선언 시점이 아니라 생성 시점에 타입을 명시하여 하나의 타입만이 아닌

다양한 타입을 사용할 수 있도록 하는 기법

한 번의 선언으로 다양한 타입에 '재사용'이 가능하다는 장점

***any의 경우, 자료의 타입을 제한할 수 없고, 어떤 타입의 데이터가 리턴되는지 알 수 없다.


참고자료 : https://velog.io/@edie_ko/TypeScript-Generic-제네릭-feat.-TypeScript-두-달차-후기

//Generics function getArray<T>(items:T[]) : T[] {     return new Array().concat(items) }  let numArray = getArray<number>([1,2,3,4]) let strArray = getArray<string>(['brad', 'John', 'Sue'])   numArray.push(1) //strArray.push(1)  -> strArray는 string //numArray.push('hello') -> numArray는 number strArray.push('hello')


TypeScript with React


npx create-react-app . —template typescript

→ After then, js or jsx files would be changed into ts or tsx files.

//<Header.tsx>  export interface Props { 	title : string   color ?: string }  const Header = (props:Props) => { 	return ( 		<header> 		<h1 style = {{color: props.color ? props.color : 'blue'}}>{props.title}</h1> 		</header> 	) }  export default Header



Originally posted on Notion : 



