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getParsedBody() 와 getBody() + Postman에서 test 본문

꼬꼬마 개발자 노트/PHP

getParsedBody() 와 getBody() + Postman에서 test


There are two types which you can bring the data from the body in PHP.

1. getParsedBody()

   : return as an array type


   : return as an object type, json


When using getParsedBody(), you need to choose ' x-www-form-urlccoded' on Postman.

On the other hasd, for getBody(), you need to choose raw -> json  on Postman.


For example, you gonna bring these data from the body.

  "contacts": {
            "emails": [


-  for getParsedBody() & x-www-form-urlcoded

=> contacts is an array having email and phone number

=> At the same time, email could be more than two, so it has to be an array type as well.

=> key has to be contacts[] for one array, contacts[email][] for two


-  for getBody() & raw->json


=> just put the data as json .
